Re-Awakening...or something.

It's been a long time. I could make a Led Zeppelin joke here, but I can't be bothered.

Anyhow, it has indeed been a long time. A long time away from this blog, and probably even more time away from discussion of spiritual progress and meditation. Not that it's something I've ever lost interest in; on the contrary, I still walk the Path and practice daily in some form or another but I lost interest in talking about it. It's only now, as 2020 takes its first burning breaths, that I feel moved to begin writing again.

Let's cut to the chase: I claimed to be 'enlightened' but I can quite confidently state that I am not.

What I do know for certain is that I have experienced several different, what we could call “shifts” for the sake of convenience, wherein my baseline of consciousness has changed dramatically and without ever reverting to its previous state.

Having been actively engaged in meditative practices for about ten years before the first shift occurred, I was no stranger to altered states of consciousness. As an avid psychonaut too, self-induced state changes weren't new either and so, although I had many odd and informative experiences under my belt, this was something very, very different.

To this day, I don't know what these shifts are, were or whether any more will occur, but I feel that I need to set the record straight on my own past claims to various attainments and my descriptions of various states. As I said, I'm not enlightened but I believe it wouldn't be incorrect to say that I've experienced some level of awakening. I also believe that these awakening experiences I've encountered are perfectly natural and within the reach of anyone who is willing to commit to doing the practices; practices which seem to reliably induce these seemingly more purified experiences of consciousness.

I wanted to clear some of this stuff up, and I'll continue in future posts, but the matter of claiming to be enlightened or in any sort of special position, spiritually, is first on the list and probably the most important to address. My intention is to rework this blog, cut out all the nonsense about enlightenment and using fancy words for this or that state of consciousness so that we can focus on the practical. I want to be able to get back to basics and strip everything down to its nuts and bolts, so that anyone can take these meditative techniques and utilize them. There's a reason they've been used for thousands of years and it's because they actually work when done correctly!

So, where does this leave us?

Who knows? The only thing I can say with certainty is that I have the intention to write more regularly and to rework this blog into a more down to earth approach to serious meditation.

Best of luck to you all for 2020.

- Tommy M


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